Great Thoughts of Buddha

1. You become what you think about or in other words: what you focus on grows in your life and from what you take your focus away from diminishes. This is also the message of the law of attraction, recently very popular by the movie and book "The Secret ". It means that the mind is directing our life in that way that we manifest the life around us by the thoughts and directions we take with our mind. Since everything we created around us is first created in the mind, it is the tool or the interface between our self and the material world.Another quote of Buddha with a similar message here is "He is able who thinks he is able". This also shows the creative power of the mind and if we are able to consciously use it in that way – avoiding negative thoughts and utilizing empowering thoughts – we use it in a supportive manner.
 2. This is the core of personal development. It points towards the need to train and develop the mind and to free it from limits and negativity. The other quote "The mind is the source of happiness and unhappiness." makes the same point with the special notion of happiness. The mind used correctly
– i e . c o n s t r u c t i v e , e m p o w e r i n g , s o l u t i o n - and action-oriented, positive, truthseeking – can create happiness. But used poorly – i.e. blaming, egocentric, negative, blinded by ambition or separation – it will create unhappiness for us. Training the mind is the key here. The quote may also point to a transformation by awakening directly, where the mind becomes the servant of the self and not the creator of a self-image (the concept of the ego) as a replacement for the true self.
3. This points to the abundant nature of reality. The abundance mentality says there is enough foreveryone, we only have to realize and live by it. It is the opposite of a s c a r c i t y m e n t a l i t y, where you have the b e l i e f that you always h a v e t o fight for your part in a limited world. 4. The essence of living in the present moment, the Now, is focusing the mind here and take attention away from thinking about past or future. The present moment is all there ever is to experience life directly. Past and future are only concepts of our mind and therefore are good for learning from the past or conceptual planning when it is useful, but after this there is no need for them. Especially not to dwell in them and get stuck there in the mind by constant thinking loops. I wrote more about this in "What is The Present Moment " and in "Clock Time vs. Psychological Time ". The present moment is the entry point to the spiritual dimension and to life itself. 5. "However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you If you do not act on upon them?" Action is what counts. It means to be action-oriented and to actually do what we think, to prove what we believe by applying it in reality. Only if we "walk our talk" we are authentic and truthful to ourselves. To apply yourself and your ideas in reality is like a proof-test for what we think is right and will work. If there is no action and therefore no testing in reality, the words or ideas themselves are of no real sustainable value. Another quote for this message is "A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker." 6. Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely. This is the essence of Carpe diem – To seize the day fully means living wisely. It means to live to the highest truth we know and to rise to our highest values and capabilities. Living wisely also means not to believe every thought that comes, but to live more from the space between thoughts, from our essence

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